video strategy

Building The Right Video Strategy For Social Media Marketing

Does your business have the right video strategy? In this multimedia era, video marketing is fully eligible for the role of the old lights and camera. However, the action is similar to the old one. Video marketing is more reliable and effective. Videos have helped brands develop a much stronger and personal connection with the audience than any other form of content.

However, most businesses are not aware of the right video strategy for social media and losing many good opportunities in the journey.

Today, videos are considered as the easiest way to consume content. It is a win-to-win strategy for both business and the audience. It helps in keeping the audience engaged and adds value to their life. On the other hand, companies can make people aware of their products/services. 

You might be frustrated with a bunch of content on social media. But we are entirely sure that you are much more comfortable when you watch a video. Along with providing value. videos can develop authenticity and credibility for your brand. 


Why choose a video strategy for social media?


Social media is considered as the medium to communicate directly with your audience. That’s the reason that the most successful content marketers are delivering their message almost daily through multiple social media channels.


According to some statistics, visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared than the text form. So, using a video strategy is no exception. A large number of companies and organizations are considering Video as one of the primary tools to communicate with their audience through social media platforms.


If you still are not much confident in video marketing, then have a look at these statistics:

  • Video marketing helps in producing 66% more qualified leads per year,
  • The Video brings 41% more organic traffic and creates 49% more revenue,
  • 64% of the audience are more likely to buy products/service online after watching a video,
  • 54% of people love to watch videos from brands they follow.


With so many businesses putting their efforts & investment in video strategy, it’s a fact that you can’t make and use any video online and then expect a large number of leads. Moreover, you have to put the Right Video Content in front of the Right Audience on the Right Platform. Well, how your video strategy works depends on the quality of the video, distribution process, and its objectives.


You can choose your type from a variety of styles depending on what kind of Video to make. It can be anything ranging from explainers, how-tos, live streams, commercials with a mixed range of tones, styles, and cinematic techniques for your unique brand personality.

So, are you creating the most of your Video across social media?

If not, then this is the correct time to give it a start.


How to excel in a video strategy for social media marketing?



Facebook, the biggest social networking platform. It has a wide user-base and thus offers marketers an excellent opportunity to connect with any group they wish to. You can post videos or run them as ads to target niches. You can also live stream videos at Facebook Live.

      Facebook Posts

  1. Trending visuals. If you look at people’s Facebook feed, you will find it full of eye-catching visuals, so you have to stand out of the competition if you want the views. Always make sure your video strategy makes the Video attractive, engaging, and compelling to persuade people to watch it. You might be surprised to know about the report saying that 85% of Facebook videos are observed in the absence of sound. Also, make sure to remember the closed captioning for the same reason! 
  2. Upload videos directly to Facebook. Always try to upload your videos directly to Facebook, other than sharing a link to YouTube or another site. Every Video uploaded directly receives a boost from Facebook’s algorithm. It’s a fact that Native Facebook videos are shown in feeds more than those of the non-native ones.
  3. Make a group of your videos into playlists. Create playlists on different topics to facilitate your audience by organizing your videos into playlists.


      Facebook Ads

  1. Customize your audience. Run video ads on Facebook and use your analytics to target unique viewers. You can target the audience mainly based on age, location, or even personal interests and make each one count.
  2. Use Call-to-action. Always consider your posts as ads and include a call-to-action. If your ad successfully “hooked” the viewer then, you need to tell your viewer what step you want them to take.


      Facebook Live

  1. Start hosting a Q&A session. Facebook Live helps you to create real-time interaction with your followers, so use this opportunity by hosting a Q&A video strategy. Let your followers ask questions from you and then answer them live on camera. It helps connect brands more strongly and in a more personal way.
  2. Keep sharing follow-up posts. It often happens that some people will miss your live stream simply because they’re not online. So, to catch these viewers, start sharing a follow-up post that links back to your archived Video. Also, you can post new questions to collect new comments, or just thank viewers by calling out their name to encourage more people to tune in the future.



Instagram is one of the platforms with the largest number of users. It has opened an excellent opportunity for all of us to start building your brand visually.

These days Instagram seems to encourage more video content on its platform. They also provide the facility of live streaming on Instagram Stories. Also, you can use IGTV, which operates similarly to YouTube. 


      Instagram Posts

  1. First, choose a theme. Instagram accounts appear to be thematic. You can find a lot of influencers who stick to a unique theme, and people follow them who adhere to the pieces they like. You can give your videos a consistent theme based on topics, visual style, or a regular setting.
  2. Let your videos connect. Instagram is everything about visuals. Here, the audience is not interested in reading extended captions, so try to keep your descriptions short and to-the-point and focus everything on the Video.
  3. Videos should have a time limit. Instagram videos have a 60-second time limit so, try to keep it short. All your marketing and branding should come in those 60 seconds. Your video strategy should be such that Video should be attractive and engaging.


      Instagram Ads

  1. Customize your audience. You can customize and target your audience on Instagram, similar to Facebook based on age, gender, demographics, interests, etc.


      Instagram Stories

  1. Upload a lot of stories to engage with your audience. Instagram Stories are considered best for connecting & interacting with your followers. They have a shorter time limit of 15 seconds, and they disappear after 24 hours. Instagram Stories have a higher reach, so you can upload as many stories as you want and get connected with people.



  1. Use IGTV to increase your reach. IGTV is a video-based medium that helps increase your brand reach and awareness, every time you upload a video on IGTV. It’s predicted that soon, Instagram will monetize IGTV just like YouTube, and businesses and marketers will earn a commission from ads running on their videos.



YouTube is the hub of videos. Moreover, most videos on the internet come from the giant video-sharing platform, YouTube. When you’re playing with video content, then you shouldn’t miss this platform, which gives a range of opportunities to video creators & marketers.


      YouTube Posts

  1. Use keywords in your title. A lot of competition survives on YouTube, so, sometimes even quality content gets lost there. For beating the competition, you can make your videos searchable by using keywords in the video title. Also, try long-tail keywords for how-tos or instructionals type video strategy.
  2. Research and find your niche. Always choose a niche that gives you the freedom to experiment and try various unique styles, tones, and formats.
  3. Post daily. All of your followers will expect new videos on a schedule. So, you should post regularly mainly at least once a week. Also, try to post at exact time schedules, so your followers know when to check your videos.
  4. CTAs include like and subscribe. Every time you watch a YouTube video, the YouTuber may ask everyone to like and subscribe to their channel. It’s a fact that each new like and subscription helps your video rank higher in search results. So, we always mention liking and subscribing to the Video.


      YouTube Ads

  1. Not all ad types are the same. YouTube provides several ads, with your choice to skip or not, where you pay by clicks or views, or they come in your Video.



Twitter is the place to build a brand presence. A lot of text content flows daily on Twitter. But, do you know you can use Twitter for videos too? Yeah, we are correct. These days video tweets are getting 10x more interactions than the other ones. Being similar to other platforms, users can post text and videos normally as Tweets. Also, they run video ads. 


      Twitter posts

  1. Hook within the first 3 seconds. Twitter follows a general rule for both posts and ads that shorter is better. It would be best if you had some hook in the first three seconds. In this platform, users scroll fast. If you manage to hook the audience initially, don’t make them feel bored with your lengthy videos.
  2. Subtitles and closed captioning. If you observe, you will find most of the Twitter videos are watched without sound. So, always include closed captioning for the audience.
  3. The trend of targeting trends. Most of the people use Twitter as a news source and way to stay up-to-date. It’s said that topical and trending content is 32& more likely viewed on Twitter. Always keep a watch on the top hashtags and join the conversation.


      Twitter ads

  1. Within 15 seconds. It is observed that Twitter ads of 15 seconds or less time performs best at memory encoding than the 30-second TV spot.



When Snapchat first came into light, it was a social media platform for kids and teenagers. Well, today, brands consider it a perfect platform for marketing. Marketers and businesses consider kids as their customers, but if you want to become a winner in Snapchat, you have to speak kids’ language.


The report says that Snapchat has more than 10 billion video views daily. This vast number proves how best this platform is, for doing video marketing. Moreover, the best part of this platform is less competition.

Today, businesses are busy establishing their brands on other platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. So, Snapchat could be the best platform for your marketing needs. You can share your images or videos here. And, your video strategy should be to keep videos under 10 seconds.


      Snapchat posts

  1. You should use filters, lenses, and effects. Snapchat users are considered to enjoy some degree of silliness like the dog filter trend or the gender-swapping lenses. You can keep a younger employee to represent your brand on Snapchat. If you are an ambitious marketer, you can even design your own Snapchat filter and further work to make it viral.
  2. Always use emoji. Use emoji in your Snapchat text. You can find a lot of younger audience members speaking emoji fluently.
  3. Fast and personal way. As you know that Snapchat posts and stories are temporary, so don’t spend too much time and effort on your posts.


      Snap Ads

  1. Internal, external links. You can use sponsored lenses and filters and traditional video ads. Snapchat ads bring an identical twist to the advertisement. Snapchat facilitates marketers and businesses by taking users directly to your landing page, product page, app install page.


In conclusion, a video strategy is a thing you should be using for your business (no matter whether you’re having a small startup or a big organization), even outside of those social media platforms.


Now, make your brand stand out of the competitors, and take action on your video strategy!

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