
How To Tell A Story Under 90 seconds With an Explainer video

Your consumers are busy and as a business, you’ve very little time to engage. In just about 90 seconds you may have to tell your story and make them interested in your product or brand. That’s where an explainer video can be your go-to approach. Explainer videos are popularly trending among marketers and businesses. Now, you might ask, “Why?”

This is because explainer videos have been considered one of the best ways to inform people about your business and services. It is the most preferred way to make your audience aware of what your company does and how it can benefit them. Explainer videos are a great example of Storytelling.

Now, let us have a look at how to tell your story in under 90 seconds. But how is that possible? One of the best answers to this question is to have someone else do it. 

You all have excellent knowledge to tell the story about your company. But you may face a tough time simplifying and conveying it. So, to create an effective explainer video, you will have to break your story down into a simple, easy-to-understand way that viewers of any age can understand. But if you are willing to do it by yourself then, a simple problem/solution story format does the work.


Watch our 90 seconds product explainer video for Tessella Automation here:

A Simple Problem/Solution Explainer Video Story Format

  1. Problem
  2. Solution
  3. How It Works
  4. Conclusion

1. Problem

Begin with Storytelling. Start with an introduction of a story where a character is facing the same problem as relatable as your customers do. Try to show them relevance from the very beginning. If you’re taking the emotional route, they’re much more likely to keep watching. The emotional course must be funny, upsetting, uplifting, or offensive. Whatever emotion, it has to hit hard and get your viewer to relate and help facilitate empathy.

2. Solution

The next step demands providing a solution to the audience’s problem. Try to convey your product/service as the solution to everyone’s problem.

3. How it Works

Now, it’s the perfect time to explain what you do. Look for reasons that set your solution apart from your competitors. You have to quickly narrow down the benefits and advantages of using your solution. Try to include more details and information about your product or service.

4. Conclusion

Now that you solved the original problem through your product/service, so, it’s time to offer up your call to action. A call to action can be anything such as “sign up today,” “check out my website,” “click the link,” etc.

Tips to use while creating 90 seconds explainer video

Now, let us have a look at some important specific to be kept in mind while making a 90-second explainer video:

  • Tell a Story: Stories are considered one of the best ways to connect with the audience as it is in our DNA. We connect, learn, entertain, and relate through stories. Storytelling influences decision-makers to purchase your goods and services. So, your main focus should be to captivate your audience’s attention with your first video.


  • Always focus on the Script:  The Script is an essential part of the marketing process. Always remember that visuals are great, and they help people retain what they’re watching. Research shows that if you stimulate the auditory sense, people have just 10% of what they hear. However, if you use both auditory and visual senses, then you will end up with a retention rate of 68%. Also, make sure your story is strong, so the audience continues watching your story.


  • Have Fun:  The best way to grab the attention of the audience and be memorable in their mind is to make them laugh. So, try to sprinkle some comical emotions into your videos. But, make sure that your joke doesn’t fall flat or that comedy is not overused. Because, if this happens, then you’re likely to turn off your viewer.


  • Keep out the Jargon: Companies most commonly face this problem while formulating their story. Always remember that you don’t sound so complicated that people tune you out. All of your audience is human, and they will be watching your video, so don’t use long, complex sentences in your Storytelling. They hear jargon all day long in their meetings, and so, they most likely watch a video to escape that. You can take examples from the writings of companies like Apple or Starbucks. Moreover, use simple sentences, so people buy your products/services.


  • It should be Short and SimpleA one-minute script includes a pack of about 150 words so, keep your Script simple. Also, try to simplify the visuals, so people have time and a better understanding to retain what they’re seeing. It would be best if you keep this in your mind the entire time you work on your Script.


  • Speak to the Right Audience: Always make sure that if you’re not talking in a way your viewers can easily grasp then, you’re going to lose them. It will help if you speak very differently and uniquely when you are selling to an enterprise executive than to the average consumer. Here, you need to appeal to the executive’s bottom line, and they mainly need more detailed information to make a better buying decision.

Let’s suppose you’re a new company that nobody’s ever heard of; you need them to have a reason why they should use your product over the competition. Always keep your audience in mind and see your creative piece of content from afar… the same way as they’re gonna percieve. Make sure to target the right group and deliver your video to them.


  • Have a clear Call to ActionSome people don’t know what to do after they’ve heard your story. So, it’s your responsibility to inform them what you want them to do. Call to action varies from signing up for your newsletter to visiting your site, downloading your app, calling you, etc.


Whether it’s your brand’s journey or marketing campaign, your Storytelling with an explainer video should have the power to motivate and drive people to take action. Moreover, it can either increase sales or cause people to turn away and lose attention. In conclusion, simple is good because people understand simple, short, and to the point. Give it a try and observe how powerful it can work in your marketing and branding.


For learning how to communicate through Visual Storytelling, Click here 👉 Communicate through Visual Storytelling

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