How Video Content Can Be A Game Changer For Your Business

After the overtaking of video content on most media platforms, declaring pictorial or blog-based content as “outdated” once and for all, businesses have realized the potential of video content marketing in recent years.


This claim can be supported by the data study that says, 88% of people are more prone to purchase a product or a service simply by watching a brand’s explainer video. No doubt TikTok as well as the reels feature on Instagram has gained massive popularity among the netizens, albeit they are comparatively newer releases.


The reel feature of Instagram became an instantaneous hit among users soon after its launch. This feature was, arguably, single-handedly responsible for causing the evolution of the platform from a picture-based casual app for teenagers to a favourite platform for businesses to advertise their products.


Video is the most captivating material on social media, as evidenced by the unexpected success of TikTok and Instagram reels. Moreover, when it comes to video posts, even text-based networks like Twitter demonstrate far higher user engagement.


Studies have also found that landing pages with explainer videos convert 86% more effectively than landing pages without one. 68 percent of consumers say they would rather watch an instructional video on how to fix a problem with a product or service than contact customer support if something were wrong. Furthermore, just 20% of users prefer to read, with the remaining 80% preferring to watch videos if they are accessible.

Why does Video Content Work for Businesses?

  • Storytelling Redefined: Video content shows your story instead of just telling it. The traditional way of storytelling, i.e., through written captions or posts, require readers to visualize what you are trying to convey additionally. Video content, in a way, saves this additional effort for readers. The advice to “show, not tell,” is frequently given to storytellers working to hone their profession. Explainer videos provide you with the ideal platform to both visually demonstrate and verbally describe your business, product, or service.
  • Better clarification: Videos clarify what you want to convey better. Explainer films make it easier for potential customers to grasp the nature of your offering and why it is important to them. Explainer videos provide a simple explanation of a topic, item, brand, or service through the use of both visual and aural cues. It has been demonstrated that combining video and audio enhances retention more than utilizing either alone.
  • Time effective: Most information can be obtained through videos in the shortest amount of time. An explainer film is a fun method to inform your prospects about your product or service rather than having to guide them through a presentation.
  • Better ranking in Search Engines: According to a study by Forrester, explainer videos have a 50x higher chance of appearing on Google’s Page 1. Explainer films are excellent for your website’s homepage (or any other web page), and you can post them on social media sites like LinkedIn. For your explainer videos, use captions, descriptions, keywords, tags, and titles to increase the SEO value.
  • Users Have Short Attention Spans: With the amount of content on the internet going up dramatically, there is a lot of competition for your potential customer’s attention. And video content caters to this short attention span of consumers. Keeping your explainer videos short (under 2 minutes) and to the point evidently provides for better performance. Include a clear call to action to help increase conversion rates.

How to change your marketing game with the help of Video content?

Plan Your Strategy Beforehand

Randomly posting videos is not a successful video marketing technique. Undoubtedly, the best medium for publishing such video material is social media. You must clearly identify your objectives and meticulously develop a strategy to achieve them before you start producing social media videos. Therefore, consider your motivation for posting videos.


Consider asking yourself the following questions:

Do you need to increase brand recognition or make a name for yourself as an authority in your industry? Do you want to make your business appear approachable or do you want to focus on a specific smaller circle? 


Whatever the cause, be certain that your video content supports it.

Know Where Your Audience Is

We encourage using an omnichannel approach, but focusing your efforts where they are most required will be made easier if you are aware of where your audience spends the most time.

Choose the platform for your video content based on the traits of your target audience. Additionally, recognize the interests of your audience and take steps accordingly.

Strategize Your Creativity

Your brand individuality and creativity solely set it apart from the other services available on the internet. Channelize this creativity to stand out from the crowd. This will ensure customer loyalty and endurance.

Human beings are instinctively creative beings. Hence, when they are given a break from the monotonous content and subjected to something unique, they tend to connect with the brand on a personal level. And doing so can only guarantee better returns for your brand.

Use the Right Tools

It can be challenging to keep up with all of the activity that is always taking place online, particularly on social media.

Your job will be 10 times easier and there will always be content if you use tools to plan and schedule your posts, collaborate with your team, and identify new trends. Not to mention that numerous social media video producers can assist you in quickly producing engaging tales and reels.

Analyze the Metrics

It’s imperative to review your past performance in the social platform’s analytics center before you continue to produce videos for social media.

Analyze what appeals to your audience and provide more of that type of material. Finding out what isn’t working is as crucial; adjust your social videos accordingly. Do viewers stop watching your videos too soon? Create more captivating hooks. Do you have poor click-through rates? Improve your title and thumbnail!

This shouldn’t be done just once. Regularly analyze your analytics to develop a long-term social media video marketing strategy.


As mentioned already, the market for video content is booming now more than ever. This has given rise to some really helpful tools on the web that also allows creators to create easy and cheap video content. As a result, creators get lured to mainstream content and hesitate to preserve their brand creativity. The only result that can be obtained from the mentioned is your content will get lost in the sea.

Here are some of the ways in which you can make your video content stand out from the crowd:

Provide Value

Viewers engage with your material in order to gain knowledge, amusement, inspiration, or a laugh. Hence, in order to cater to that, you must produce videos that are beneficial to them in some way. Videos that are only intended to promote your goods or services are often doomed to failure because no one likes too much “sales-y” stuff.

Focus on Just One Subject

Social media platforms are all about quick, snappy messages, but they’re also about useful content. How then can you produce social media videos that are both of these things at once?

The secret is to focus on a single issue rather than skim over a number of issues. Choose one topic and stick with it throughout the entirety of your social media video. Try to make a series of brief movies that expand the issue if you still can’t fit enough information into the article.

Cut to the Point

As mentioned already, netizens don’t exactly have a long attention span or patience. If you don’t grab their attention right away in your video, you’ve probably lost them forever.

Therefore, make your main point within the first 15 seconds. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of keeping their interest and ensure that they heard what you had to say even if they decide to scroll down.

Grab Viewers’ Attention

In keeping with the prior advice, use a strong hook to keep viewers’ interest. The majority of social media video applications use autoplay, so begin with a straight query or by bringing up an issue that your audience can identify with. They will know to expect a solution from your video if you do this.

You can still begin your essay with an exciting remark that piques readers’ interest even if it isn’t about solving a problem.

Use Captions and Text

Numerous video contents are viewed without sound, and many more are viewed by those who have hearing loss or who speak a language other than English. In this situation, using a social media video editor to add captions and text will greatly increase your viewership.

Moreover, the captions are appreciated even by people who watch videos with the sound on! It improves their comprehension of the information and may possibly lengthen the time it takes for your videos to complete.


Using video marketing, you can humanize your brand and broaden its appeal to potential customers whether you run a B2C or B2B company. This is due to the fact that video is the most effective form of communication, in addition to social media’s low cost and large audience.

With the assistance of this special strategy of video marketing, you can draw in a larger audience and capture their interest and witness your business reach heights so far beyond your imagination.

It is important to note that there is no “one size fits all” recipe in which you can gain success in this dynamic market. Every creator faces individual challenges and journeys. Faith and consistency are the only keys. However, that can deliver you to the end of your journey and reach your destination.

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